
This is an archive of the old IHTEC website. For more info ihtec@3web.com


Friday, December 12, 2008

IHTEC - Sunrays for Middle East


Valuing World Heritage Sites in the Middle East : "A Culture of Peace through Tourism"


Integrated Studies include Peace Education, Conflict Resolution, Environmental Studies, Inter-Cultural Understanding, Social Studies, Geographical Studies, Language and Performing Arts, Citizenship, and Community Service.


Linkages (twinning) of schools is to occur at the countries involved decision. ie: between two cities in two different countries in the Middle East. This can also be encourage between all countries around the world. We hope to encourage elementary and secondary schools from R - 12 to the study of the 'other' countries  Peace Parks and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Places of high significance and high visitation.

Program Development:

The school linkages between countries, are then used to encourage participants to jointly develop an original half- hour long performance:-  in video, film, stage show, drama and musical performance, song cycle or to create a peace and sustainability art display.

Each school must show how they have included their local artisans, their community and their parents. Schools are to invite and involve their local governmental officials at their final performance on International Day of Peace. It is most important that each school also share their achievements, via the internet and video,  with their twin city and twin country. All schools will be invited to participate.

A final outcome is to plant an International School Peace Garden to celebrate their achievement. To dedicate themselves annually to peace.


- To develop a team of teachers who have links to schools in each of the Middle Eastern countries.

- To link together schools in two countries in the Middle East.

There will be several groups of two schools. The results of "Sun Rays" will showcase the students achievements with others schools.

A final concert as a celebration of peace will be presented before Heads of State.

It is hoped that the Tourism Industry might help with funding which will go to each country for peace education.

Subject Areas

Secondary Schools:

Geography, Tourism, Archeology, Biology, Botany, Geology, Hydrology, Global Commons use.

Elementary Schools:

Find why the site is important and link it into all subject areas.

More Details:
How do you get started?

1. Register your participation in the program on www.ihtec.org

2. Choose and research a tourism site in your partner city and country

This can be a UNESCO World Heritage site, A sacred sites, peace park or garden, or any other significant and frequently visited Tourism site. Your choice must have a high visitation by overseas and local visitors. The whole school will need to share in different aspects of the research on their chosen site. Schools must show the holistic relationship of subject areas.

3. Write an original script from your research.

Then create any of the following art forms: film, drama, operetta, orchestral score with soloist, dance, sculpture, art show or any other art form. Show your originality in design and origin. The result is to be approximately ½ hour performance.

4. Record the process

Make your outcomes available for display. We suggest the following:

- Create a book for a display table.

- Create a folder with art, and photos of the research. Show how you have shared your work with others in your community.

- Identify your community involvement.

- Develop a Promotion Brochure.

- Build Display / Story Boards for shows.

- Create a website, that can be linked to the IHTEC site.

- Link via email, video or school visits.

5. Perform

the result for your school, community, and the linked school.

Please include in your outcome booklet, blog and podcast how you included:

- The whole schools involvement.

- Each family with creating costume, knowledge, time spent ...

- Information distribution to parents and the local community.

- Press releases, video clips and photographs, showing the process / outcomes that occurred.

- Involvement of "Tourism as a Culture of Peace" concepts.

- Exchange of information with other schools in your own country and your selected countries.

- Link and intercultural bridging between schools.

- How you used technology and the media in a positive way.

Develop an ongoing school curriculum for peace and sustainability

- Visit International School Peace Gardens website www.ihtec.org

- Plant a peace tree or peace garden to celebrate the completion of the program.

- Integrate peace and sustainability education into all aspects of the school curriculum.

Contact: Julia Morton-Marr

Email: ihtec@3web.com


A team of teachers are gathering across the world, who will be linked to key team teachers in each of the Middle Eastern Countries. If you are interested in participating please contact: ihtec@3web.com


World Heritage Sites


Middle Eastern Culture


History of the Middle East


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