
This is an archive of the old IHTEC website. For more info ihtec@3web.com


Friday, December 12, 2008

IHTEC - Getting Started as an NGO

If you would like to work on peace and sustainability issues with schools, we invite you to connect to IHTEC, and join in the implementation of IHTECs peace-building and environmental programs.

The central element of all IHTEC activities is the International School Peace Garden or Peace Park. The Peace Garden can become a very valuable space and a powerful educational environment.

The ISPG section offers comprehensive information on its successful implementation. NGOs can play a significant role in the realization of the Garden, subsequent educational activities and public events.

To get started, please familiarize yourself with our program offers and sketch out a plan for your involvement.

The IHTEC website http://www.ihtec.org will provide an international communication environment for the schools involved.

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