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Friday, December 12, 2008

IHTEC - Global Sustainability Education Definitions

Global Sustainability Education
Definitions of Global Sustainability Education
Global Sustainability Education (GSE) has two main parts. Firstly, Ecological Integrity and Social Integrity. Both of these are well defined in the Earth Charter. In 2003 UNESCO adopted this soft law. Included in these parts are the two primary values, life and procreation, that foster a biocentric worldview. GSE also includes the two pillars of sustainability, Peace and Resources.

Secondly, we include Ehrlich's equation.

Human Impact = Population x Consumption x Technology. I = P x A x T

"The Ehrlich Formula covers the human impact on the environment. The second pillar of sustainability is social integrity or social peace. Environmental degradation leads to resource scarcity, which in turn leads to loss of social integrity and violent conflicts according T. Homer-Dixon, of the University of Toronto. Injustice is another way of loosing social peace; I see injustice as the main cause of terrorism." Prof. Helmut Burkhardt.

As a GSE Curriculum is developed, and before any action is implemented, each current issues and its impact requires curriculum discussions on:-

1. The effect of a current population increase on the environment and how it impacts to the 'eco-system' and all species in the 'web of life'.

2. The impact on the local economy of human's affluence and the consumerism involved with the earth's resources.

3. The local impact of current and future technology on the local environment and society.

The GSE Curriculum for all students would require these elements and the use of mathematical and statistical knowledge of the current problem, to enable conflicts to be solved peacefully.

Julia Morton-Marr and Prof. Helmut Burkhardt, Council on Global Issues, CGI, Jan 31, 2004

Global Sustainability Education within IHTEC's curriculum
Holistic Tourism Education" Core Curriculum.

Holistic Education examines the inter-disciplinary relationships between various branches of knowledge. The 'Culture of Peace through Tourism' concept includes values and sustainable practices explained on the website, www.ihtec.org

All of IHTEC's programs contain systemic thinking through a Global Sustainability Curriculum. These include the two primary values, life and procreation, that foster a biocentric worldview, and include the two pillars of sustainability, Peace and Resources. These are linked with the values of the credo of the peaceful traveller to complete the GSE concept.

The core curriculum consists of concepts around "A Culture of Peace through Tourism" as a central or 'pivot curriculum'. The curriculum is linked through the International School Peace Gardens, which also links to Global Sustainability Education (GSE) curriculum in the following ways:

1. Environmental Integrity = Environmental Studies,

2. Social Integrity = Conflict Resolution, Inter-Cultural Understanding,

3. Earth Charter = Env. Bill of Rights and local laws, National Laws, UN Conventions, Agreements and International Laws.

4. School Curriculum: Language Arts, and the Performing Arts, Science, Maths, Geography, History, Technology etc.

Global Sustainability Education in the ISPG program
International School Peace Gardens (ISPG) Curriculum began in 1993. On February 14, 1995 Eric Foster and members of the school planted the first School Peace Garden which was linked to the launch of the Environmental Bill of Rights, in Ontario. The EBR tree became the Peace Tree in their peace grove or Bosco Sacro. a place for conflict resolution.

The practical application of "Global Sustainability Education" (GSE) slide, includes the Earth Charter and can be implemented through the ISPG Curriculum as follows:

Environmental Integrity:
1. Link to your local, national, world heritage Parks as the knowledge base.

2. Conflict Resolution using Friendship Benches.

3. Life Zone Biodiversity - Life Zones are an international Concept with several examples of eco-systems. Knowledge of what grows in each area is vital to the survival of all species. eg: Carolinian Life Zone, Desert Life Zones.

4. Food Security - Planting foods that suit local soils - ISPG.

5. Species Support - Planting food supplies for migrating species and creating water supplies - Creature Corridors.

6. Water and Soil protection - Watershed Peace Pathways.

7. Oceans and Coastal Areas - Marine Peace Parks.

8. Rainforests - Rainbow Rainforests Rock.

Social Integrity:
Conflict Resolution, Inter-Cultural Understanding through Language Arts and Performing Arts as Guest and Hosts to each other.

Population, Affluence and Consumerism:
Substance Accounting for Eco-Systems - Accounting for the gains and losses in their ISPG and identifying what problems may arise.

Solar Energy - Use solar ovens, lights, rocks, on or near school buildings. Build a solar car, and use solar for science experiments.

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